ReMEDIES Voluntary No Anchor Zone
The design and installation of 8 marker buoys on sustainable advanced mooring systems
In 2023, ABCS tendered for and was subsequently awarded the contract to design and install 8 Voluntary No Anchor buoys in Osbourne Bay.
ABCS were required to:
Source and recommend the best specification for the VNAZ marker buoys
Agree the final specification with Natural England
Place required orders for, and purchase all required components
Ensure warrantees are in place for the duration of the LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES project (until October 2024)
Remove the current marker buoys in place in Osborne Bay
Carry out the installation of all components of the VNAZ marker buoys, completing installation in line with manufacturers requirements
Provide an annual maintenance check on the VNAZ buoys in 2024
Provide a written report with photos after the installation and maintenance
In March 2024, ABC Subsea installed eight marker buoys utilising Advanced Mooring Systems in Osborne Bay.
There were four exiting moorings installed in Osborne Bay used to mark a ‘Swimming area’. The moorings comprised a steel clump weight and a standard chain catenary and therefore do not protect the seagrass beds adjacent to each clump.
The replacement eight Advanced Moorings comprise a 2m long, 60R Helical Screw Anchor (HAS) pile with integrated swivel attachment and a chain riser which uses floats to give it neutral buoyancy and therefore protects the surrounding environment by keeping it off the seabed.
The operation took two days in total comprising mobilisation of installation equipment onto a local installation pontoon, recovery and recycling of existing mooring buoys, installation of new moorings and buoys and demobilisation of equipment. Divers were not required for the installation activities although were used for a post installation inspection.
Power in Numbers
Moorings installed
Project Days